A Simple & Effective Model Guide

A Simple & Effective Model Guide

Here is a quick guide on what to bring and how to prepare for photoshoots!


I hope these tips help you feel confident and more prepared for your upcoming photoshoots and what professional photographers look for when hiring a model



Tip number 1- Eat before your shoot.


It takes a lot of energy during a photoshoot. You would be so surprised how even shorter shoots can zap your energy, so please eat something before you head to the studio. Don’t forget to hydrate too!


Tip number 2- Bring skin toned and black undergarments.


I suggest multiple styles of underwear ( thong, panties, hiphuggers) and bras ( unlined, pushup, strapless, and nipple covers). You might not know what you’ll be wearing so being prepared with what you have on underneath can make all the difference.


Tip number 3- Shoes.


Bring different styles of shoes such as heels in neutral colors, flats, and sneakers.


Tip number 4- Keep nails simple.


This is a big one personally for me because if I’m shooting a certain style with a model and her nail style doesn’t fit, it’s a lot of extra time for retouching. Just simple, clean manicures work for most photoshoots.


Tip number 5- Have a Basic Makeup Kit.


This kit should include moisturizer, a lightweight foundation or concealer, translucent powder, blush, lip color, eyeliner, and mascara. Having these items can work wonders if you have to do your own makeup for the photoshoot.





Don’t be afraid to have clear communication with the photographer and team about the expectations of your photoshoot! The day always goes smoothly when everyone is prepared.


Good luck and happy shooting, models!



Written by: Shannon K. Dougherty


Professional Photographer


Photographer/Retoucher: Shannon K Dougherty


Model: Jeanny Clinton  @lyndajeanny

MUA: Lucas Granicke  @pixelglam

📍St. Louis, Missouri


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